• Margot Busch (President)

    My move to Ocean Grove in 1997 was a long-awaited sea-change after 30 years living in country Victoria. At first, I simply revelled in living on the coast and enjoyed being a recreational beachgoer (albeit a responsible one!), outside of my working life in community services. Soon after Coastcare started in 2010 I became involved in working bees and education events and joined the committee in more recent years. While I am still a recreational beachgoer, with snorkelling being a favorite summer pastime, I feel I now have quite a connection to and responsibility for looking after the plants and animals we all share this coastal space with. And I’m heartened to see so many other locals join us in taking care of our fabulous environment!

  • Frances McAloon (Vice President)

    I am a social worker, working in family mental health in Geelong and living in Ocean Grove. I joined Ocean Grove Coastcare in 2013 after moving here from Melbourne, having lived in Point Lonsdale 20 years ago and wanted to return to this beautiful coast. Becoming a member of a volunteer group was a way to join the community and contribute to protecting the coast. I believe volunteering is important to both individual’s and the community’s health and wellbeing, it’s fun and we can all make a positive difference, no matter how small – be the change you want to see in the world!

  • Jill Golland (TREASURER)

    I have lived in Ocean Grove most of my life and have a deep passion for coastal and marine environments. Professionally I have just retired from a long career that included small and large scale vegetation management and regeneration for sustainable biodiverse objectives. Until recently I have also been an avid open ocean sailor.

  • Pen Lynch

    We moved to Ocean Grove at the start of 2017 and happily discovered Ocean Grove Coastcare a few months later. As a new local, being a member of the OGCC committee has given me a rich and real way to connect with other locals and get to know where I live. When I am not volunteering I'm likely to be found bushwalking or gardening.

  • Jackie Scally

    With the Southern Ocean on the doorstep, moving to Ocean Grove over ten years ago was an easy decision. I've always loved the outdoors and like many locals the ocean quickly became my playground - be it surfing, swimming or beach walking. Having studied Environmental Science, when I first moved to Ocean Grove, I was keen to get involved with a local conservation group. At the time there was no Coastcare group in town, so we (a handful of naïve, but enthusiastic locals) decided to start one! That was 2010 and since then it's been a privilege to watch the group grow and be part of a collective that is making a positive contribution to our local natural environment. Now I'm a new mum, and more than ever I feel the importance of doing our bit to protect the natural world. There is only one. In years to come I look forward to watching my daughter explore the wonders of the natural world and a coast that is healthy and thriving.

  • Rachel Harris

    I originally came from county Victoria and traveled the globe before being magnetically drawn to Ocean Grove’s little community - as it was in 2000. I am an Occupational Therapist who is passionate about supporting others to have connection to occupation and purpose. By choice at anytime of day or season I am outdoors, engaging with nature. I care deeply about our role here in our little bit of this magical natural world and enjoy participating in bush and beach walks, cycling and working alongside others in Coastcare’s weeding, planting and community education sessions. I consider it a privilege to be able to call this special part of Australia home.

  • Wendy Bennett

    Moving to Ocean Grove in 2020 was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream, as I love all things marine and coastal. Joining OGCC has enabled me to connect with like minded people and contribute to the conservation of this very special pocket of the Bellarine Peninsula. When I'm not weeding Polygala up in the dunes, collecting rubbish on a beach walk or patrolling the 'Hoodies' in Summer, you'll find me teaching 4 year olds about Dinosaurs!

  • Jude Butwilowsky

    After some time away, travelling and working in Melbourne, I moved back to Ocean Grove in 2007. I really missed living beside the ocean and being able to start or end the day with a walk on the beach or river with a spectacular sunrise or sunset as a backdrop. There is an increasing appreciation of our coastal environment and that being in nature has so many benefits for our health and wellbeing. Joining the Ocean Grove Coastcare committee was a way I could give back to my community through looking after our beautiful coast. Plus, it is very satisfying pulling out polygala and other weeds from our dunes and seeing what grows back!

  • Andrea Dennett