Become a member

Join Ocean Grove Coastcare today and help make a difference in Ocean Grove. Ocean Grove Coastcare is a volunteer organisation. Membership fees help us to run local events, working-bees and clean-ups to protect and enhance the natural values of our local coastal environment.


  • Get a newsletter full of ideas and find out about interesting local community events to do with the environment and sustainability.
  • Be the first to find out about Coastcare activities including our tree planting days and movie night, walks and special events.
  • Be part of our wonderful Coastcare community!
  • For the ‘warm and fuzzies’
  • It’s only $10 a year for an individual or $20 for a family of four.


  1. Fill out the membership form - online membership form
  2. Select if you are paying for an individual or family membership
  3. Deposit $10 or $20 (depending on your membership category) into the OGCC account
    • BSB - 633 000
    • Account number205 059 009
    • Please add your initial and surname in the description bar